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Dental Home Care and Prevention Tips

Dental Home Care and Prevention Tips

A beautiful, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime is our ultimate goal when treating patients. Your personal home care plays an important role in achieving that goal. Your personal home care starts by eating balanced meals, reducing the number of snacks you eat, and correctly using the various dental aids that help control the plaque…

What Is Periodontal Disease?

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Four out of five people have periodontal disease and don’t know it! Most people are not aware of it because the disease is usually painless in the early stages. The word periodontal means “around the tooth”. Periodontal disease attacks the gums and the bone that support the teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of food…

Periodontal Disease Diagnosis, Encinitas Dentists, Encinitas Dentistry

Periodontal Disease: Diagnosis

Periodontal disease is diagnosed by your dentist or dental hygienist during a periodontal examination. This type of exam should always be part of your regular dental check-up. A periodontal probe (small dental instrument) is gently used to measure the sulcus (pocket or space) between the tooth and the gums. The depth of a healthy sulcus…

Periodontal Disease Treatment, Encinitas Dentists, Encinitas Dentistry

Periodontal Disease: Treatment

Periodontal treatment methods depend upon the type and severity of the disease. Your dentist and dental hygienist will evaluate for periodontal disease and recommend the appropriate treatment. Periodontal disease progresses as the sulcus (pocket or space) between the tooth and gums gets filled with bacteria, plaque, and tartar, causing irritation to the surrounding tissues. When…

Periodontal Disease: Maintenance, Encinitas Dentists, Encinitas Dentistry

Periodontal Disease: Maintenance

It only takes twenty four hours for plaque that is not removed from your teeth to turn into calculus (tartar)! Daily home cleaning helps control plaque and tartar formation, but those hard to reach areas will always need special attention. Once your periodontal treatment has been completed, your dentist and dental hygienist will recommend that…


Helpful Links

In addition to our own website, there are other sites on the Web that provide interesting and helpful dental information.  Because we are committed to improving the oral healthcare knowledge of our patients, we are providing the following selection of links to other sites you might find interesting and informative.  We have grouped some of the…
